Belleza en Cifras
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Belleza en Cifras
‘Belleza en Cifras’ (Beautiful Numbers) represents a continuation of our long-term project about long-term thinking, exhibited first at the Museo Franz Mayer in Mexico City.
During 2023 it will also be shown at Udem in Monterrey, Mexico and the Museo Arocena in Torreón, Mexico.
Almost all current media concentrates on events happing in the short term, creating an image of a world out of control, full of scandals and catastrophes. But if you look at the same world from a longer perspective, an entirely different view emerges: Many things important to human beings have developed surprisingly well.
concept and design:
Stefan Sagmeister
Production historic paintings:
Ting Yih, Tine Kindermann, Robert Kalka, Alex Whyte, Eric Porter
Lenticular prints:
Chris Dean, Parallax Printing,
Suzhou Yao-Jian